Monday, December 10, 2018

Post 118: Winter Solstice

"The winter solstice has always been special to me as a barren darkness that gives birth to a verdant future beyond imagination, a time of pain and withdrawal that produces something joyfully inconceivable, like a monarch butterfly masterfully extracting itself from the confines of its cocoon, bursting forth into unexpected glory."
- Gary Zukav, four times New York Times Best Selling author.

For the Northern hemisphere, the winter solstice is approaching. It happens twice a year, once for each hemisphere. The winter solstice marks the day with the shortest period of daylight and the longest night of the year.

It's ironic how some things worked out in the world, like the fact that Christmas, a Christian tradition celebrating the birth of Christ, is derived from a Germanic Paganism midwinter celebration, more commonly known as Yule and that the jolly Santa Claus was inspired by the Yule Father, a long bearded Odin from Norse mythology.

I still very much enjoy Christmas and mythology. I've said before, I'm more spiritual than religious and feel closer and more connected to the Earth and its spirits than I do to Christian saints or God. I believe in a higher power, but what is that power really? It's something unexplained and unproven. Some would say it's called faith, and faith is something that translates in all religions.


Left: Xmas Spirit Girls from Drama Llama Couture
Includes outfit, scarf (not pictured) and shoes. Also comes in boys version. Made for Bebe Fitted, TDB & TDK.

Right: Christmas Angel Outfit in green from Sweet Potatoes
Comes in 6 colors. Made for TDB Fitted & Bebe Fitted.
*Shoes not included.

Items featured are available at Ivywoods.

Event Dates: Dec 5 - 15

Click HERE to visit the event!



☜  Head: ToddleeDoo Dolly  ☞

☜  Body: ToddleeDoo Baby Regular & Fitted  ☞

☜  Skin: ToddleeDoo Aria  ☞

☜  Hair: (L) Ploom Hart // (R) BarberYumYum 90  ☞

☜  Boots worn with Sweet Potatoes outfit: Kylee's Place Snuggle Toes Boots  ☞

☜  Poses: Pose packs from Baby Princess  ☞

☜  Windlight Setting: [TOR] MIDDAY - Morally Satisfied  ☞

☜  Photos by Luna Lei Dolan ( ☞


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